RELEASED: Durus 3.9
Binger David
2009-08-25 10:28:47 UTC
We've released Durus 3.9.

Durus offers an easy way to use and maintain a consistent collection
of object instances used by one or more processes. Access and change
of a persistent instances is managed through a cached Connection
instance which includes commit() and abort() methods so that changes
are transactional.

Durus continues to provide reliable data storage for all of our
and it is works in python >2.4, including python 3.1. It includes
for persistent dictionary, list, and set types, as well as BTrees, and
a storage
implementation that allows for fast startup even with very large
It accomplishes all this in under 5000 lines of code, so it is
possible for
ambitious users to read the code and understand how it works.

There are only a few changes since the last release:

Remove FileStorage2 support. ShelfStorage is *the* FileStorage
now. If you have a data file that uses the FileStorage2 format, use the
db_to_shelf.py script with the Durus 3.8 release to convert it before
upgrading to this Durus release.

Remove masterhost/masterport options from durus script.

The pack() method on FileStorage did raise an AssertionError when there
was an attempt to pack a temporary file or a readonly file. Now it just
skips the packing.

New oids were not cross-checked against pending invalidations, and
this could
cause unnecessary WriteConflict exceptions. Now they are.
